Who am I? - Why am I here? - What is the purpose in life? - What is my reason for being?
The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure is the crystal cord (-silver cord). the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit. It nourishes that special, radiant flame of God, the threefold flame—called “threefold” because it engenders the primary attributes of Spirit—power, wisdom and love
![]() Between the sphere of light above and the soul evolving below is the consciousness of the mediator. The mediator is that portion of the Self that can translate to the imperfect soul something of the perfection of the I AM THAT I AM. It is that portion of your being that is real enough to stand in the holy Presence of God.
![]() Your soul is evolving on the spiritual path in time and space. It is the part of you that is mortal—but that can become immortal. The violet flame is depicted in the Chart of the Presence around you. The violet flame is a high-frequency energy of forgiveness. It's a spiritual alchemy. Around the violet flame is the protective white light of God known as the tube of light. We apply the science of the spoken Word to call forth that tube of light as a protection, sealing our aura, sealing our chakras from the heavy weight of darkness that is upon the planet.
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TSL Encyclopedia: Key explanation on topic below.
Out-Link presentation is in keeping with the Ascended Masters Teachings as given by the Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
I AM here It is your birthright to become one with your individual I AM Presence through the Christ and reunite with the heart of God. The journey home to God requires that you master your human nature and transcend its limitations. By doing so, you will fulfill your life’s goal and divine purpose, thus preparing yourself for your ascension. |
this is my goal in Life
The goal of life is the Ascension. This is why you are here, in short, after many life times of experiences, the opportunity to return back to the Heart of God comes to you. By your free will you respond. |
This is my reason for being
We all anchor on earth the consciousness of the Creator by being co-creative through our use of His many blessings [Mansions]. We often describe this as talents. Our purpose for being in life, is to expand Gods Gifts to us as we Individually use our talents to love all life free.
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Correlating Study
Sound Cloud - Audio
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The Immaculate Conception
Key teachings of the Ascended Master plus, key search terms and related topics. |
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Additional Ascended Masters Wisdom
How Do You Share Your Path?
When someone asks you about your spiritual path, what do you say? In fact, when anyone asks for more clarity and understanding about the spiritual journey in general, how do you answer?
At those times, consider using the questions below to frame your answer to have a meaningful conversation about you, your soul...and God:
Your Souls Journey Hinges on Four Essential Questions:
Where Am I Going?
The goal of life is the ascension, through which you will return at last to where your soul’s journey began so very long ago...Home.
It is through this process that you will take your place among the company of ascended masters. This is what you are preparing for; it is where you are going.
How Do I Get There?
Follow the ascended masters! These great saints and sages of East and West have walked where you walk. They know the trials and tribulations you face, and they are committed to helping you find your way Home. They offer clear and practical tools for overcoming human limitations and guiding you back to God through the ascension.
Finding Answers
The goal of the 4 Essential Questions is to help make the spiritual journey as clear and uncomplicated as possible, so that all who choose can walk the path illuminated by the ascended masters with confidence...and certainty.
How Do You Share Your Path?
When someone asks you about your spiritual path, what do you say? In fact, when anyone asks for more clarity and understanding about the spiritual journey in general, how do you answer?
At those times, consider using the questions below to frame your answer to have a meaningful conversation about you, your soul...and God:
Your Souls Journey Hinges on Four Essential Questions:
Where Am I Going?
The goal of life is the ascension, through which you will return at last to where your soul’s journey began so very long ago...Home.
It is through this process that you will take your place among the company of ascended masters. This is what you are preparing for; it is where you are going.
How Do I Get There?
Follow the ascended masters! These great saints and sages of East and West have walked where you walk. They know the trials and tribulations you face, and they are committed to helping you find your way Home. They offer clear and practical tools for overcoming human limitations and guiding you back to God through the ascension.
Finding Answers
The goal of the 4 Essential Questions is to help make the spiritual journey as clear and uncomplicated as possible, so that all who choose can walk the path illuminated by the ascended masters with confidence...and certainty.