The VIOLET FLAME (Baptism by Fire)
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The Violet Flame for personal and world Transmutation , Forgiveness and Freedom.
Transmute, Consume, Release and Blaze!
Transmute, Consume, Release and Blaze!
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The interaction between the nucleus of the atom and the light in the violet flame establishes an oscillation. This oscillation dislodges the densities that are trapped between the electrons orbiting the nucleus. As this hardened substance that weighs down the atom is loosened, the electrons begin to spin more rapidly in their orbits, and the substance is thrown into the violet flame and purified. Wherever you are, you can experiment with this action of the violet flame. When you call for the violet flame, it will instantaneously begin the work of breaking down particles of substance. -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change
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The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, lord of the seventh ray and Hierarch of the age of Aquarius. The violet flame works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds and is the key to individual and world transmutation. The violet flame can alter, mitigate or entirely turn back prophecy. When you invoke the violet flame in the name of your mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self through the heart of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain, angels of the seventh ray direct it into density, discord and the accumulation of negative karma. |
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Seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit. The sacred fire that transmutes the cause, effect, record, and memory of sin, or negative karma. Also called the flame of transmutation, of freedom, and of forgiveness. |
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Each two-thousand-year cycle comes under one of the seven rays. Jesus, as chohan of the sixth ray, held the office of hierarch of the age during the last 2000 years. On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain and Portia were crowned as directors for the coming cycle of the seventh ray. Freedom and justice are the yin and yang of the seventh ray of Aquarius, and together with mercy, they provide the foundation for all other attributes of God to be outpictured in this seventh dispensation.
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Above are three sessions of Violet Flame Decrees with Elizabeth Clare Prophet -via YouTube postings. See also description on the Science of the Spoken Word. The Violet Flame for Transmutation above are given in slow - intermediate pace.
Visit TSL.ORG store for the Science of the Spoken Word resources. Acknowledgement is made to the work posted by unnamed creators of videos/audio.
Flames of God
The flames of God which may be invoked by those who desire to expand the Christ consciousness are many. Following is a list of those which have special importance for the evolutions of this solar system. Regardless of their color, all of the flames have a white-fire core of purity which embodies all of the attributes of God.
The following Ascended Masters teaching is entirely from the THE SUMMIT LIGHTHOUSE® Encyclopedia. - Click our Icons for redirection to TSL Encyclopedia
The flames of God which may be invoked by those who desire to expand the Christ consciousness are many. Following is a list of those which have special importance for the evolutions of this solar system. Regardless of their color, all of the flames have a white-fire core of purity which embodies all of the attributes of God.
The following Ascended Masters teaching is entirely from the THE SUMMIT LIGHTHOUSE® Encyclopedia. - Click our Icons for redirection to TSL Encyclopedia