The WORD, The LOGOS The UNIVERSAL CHRIST Only Begotten, Mediator, True Light.
The Universal Christ is the mediator between the planes of Spirit and the planes of Matter; personified as the Christ Self, he is the mediator between the Spirit of God and the soul of man. The Universal Christ sustains the nexus of (the figure-eight flow of) consciousness through which the energies of the Father (Spirit) pass to his children for the crystallization (Christ-realization) of the God Flame by their souls’ strivings in the cosmic womb (matrix) of the Mother (Matter). This process is called materialization (Mater-realization), “The Descent.” The process whereby the soul’s coalesced energies of the Mother pass through the nexus of the Christ consciousness to the Father is the acceleration called spiritualization (Spirit-realization), “The Ascent.” Another name for the process whereby the soul’s energy returns from Matter to Spirit is sublimation (sublime action), or transmutation. |
The consummation of this process is experienced by the soul, now one with the Son, as the ascension—union with the Spirit of the I AM Presence, the Father. The ascension is the fulfillment in heaven of Jesus’ promise on earth: “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.... If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” |
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The fusion of the energies of the positive and negative polarity of the Godhead in the creation takes place through the Universal Christ, the Logos without whom “was not any thing made that was made.” The flow of light from the Macrocosm to the microcosm, from the Spirit (the I AM Presence) to the soul and back again over the figure-eight spiral, is fulfilled through this blessed mediator, who is Christ, the Lord, the true incarnation of the I AM THAT I AM. Because Jesus Christ is that embodied Word he can say, “I AM [the I AM in me is] the Open Door (to heaven and earth) which no man can shut” and “All Power is given unto me [through the I AM in me] in heaven and in earth” and “Behold, I AM [the I AM in me is] alive forevermore—as Above, so below—and have the keys of the kingdom of heaven and the keys of hell and death, and to whomsoever the Father wills I give it, and it is given in his name.” This which is affirmed even today by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ is also affirmed in your behalf by your beloved Christ Self. Thus the Universal Christ of the one Son and the many does indeed mediate the Presence of the I AM to you through your very own beloved Holy Christ Self. This is the true Communion of the Cosmic Christ whose Body (Consciousness) was ‘broken’, shared, individualized, for every child of the Father’s heart. The Sons of God hold the Maxim Light in trust for the babes in Christ. Vertical Divider
... " As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness [as Moses raised up the sacred fire of the Divine Mother, i.e., the ‘serpent fire’ of the Kundalini, in the wilderness of the unfruitful human consciousness], even so must the Son of man [the Son who is the manifestation of the Mighty “I AM” Presence] be lifted up [in every son and daughter of God]: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever [whosesoever soul] believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The only begotten Son of God is the Universal Christ, which God has individualized for each one of us. This means that God has personified his Christ (who is the Light-emanation of himself) in the person of your beloved Holy Christ Self. Foreseen and prophesied by Jeremiah, who called him The LORD Our Righteousness, this Holy One of God we see and acknowledge as the Inner Buddha, synonymous with the Inner Christ, though each is distinct when supplicated in the performance of their special offices of Guru and High Priest.
You see, God so loved us that he has placed the Divine Image, or Electronic Presence, of the Father (the I AM Presence) and the Son (the Holy Christ Self) with each of us to overshadow us throughout the long dark night of our soul’s separation from him as we pass through and effectively balance the karmic condition of our earthly existence"...
Read More... POW Vol 32 #28 Elizabeth Clare Prophet - July 9, 1989
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever [whosesoever soul] believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The only begotten Son of God is the Universal Christ, which God has individualized for each one of us. This means that God has personified his Christ (who is the Light-emanation of himself) in the person of your beloved Holy Christ Self. Foreseen and prophesied by Jeremiah, who called him The LORD Our Righteousness, this Holy One of God we see and acknowledge as the Inner Buddha, synonymous with the Inner Christ, though each is distinct when supplicated in the performance of their special offices of Guru and High Priest.
You see, God so loved us that he has placed the Divine Image, or Electronic Presence, of the Father (the I AM Presence) and the Son (the Holy Christ Self) with each of us to overshadow us throughout the long dark night of our soul’s separation from him as we pass through and effectively balance the karmic condition of our earthly existence"...
Read More... POW Vol 32 #28 Elizabeth Clare Prophet - July 9, 1989
KEY Search Terms: WORD Christ S(s)on of man four lower bodies physical body embodiment Spiritual body made flesh Christ Self Mediator SECOND COMING
Love is the Key
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The Science of the Spoken Word
The Decrees below are given in the original video presentation Kuthumi: Love is the Key This video is edited. It is added to provide further knowledge on the Universal Christ and the Chart of the Divine Self. For more on the video above, additional search may be made through
KEY Search Terms: Ancient of Days Aura Kuthumi Mantras |