The Science of the Spoken Word as taught by the ascended masters is a method of accessing the power of God that combines prayers, mantras, affirmations, meditations and visualizations with what are called “dynamic decrees.”
Dynamic Decrees – The Science Of The Spoken Word
Even if you are able to decree for just a few minutes a day, dynamic decrees can make a difference in your mental outlook, your physical condition and in your relationship with God. Try the Science of the Spoken Word—and see what the light can do for you and what you can do for a world in need
Even if you are able to decree for just a few minutes a day, dynamic decrees can make a difference in your mental outlook, your physical condition and in your relationship with God. Try the Science of the Spoken Word—and see what the light can do for you and what you can do for a world in need
The dynamic decree offered as praise and petition to the LORD God in the science of the spoken Word is the “effectual fervent prayer of the righteous”[2] that availeth much. The dynamic decree is the means whereby the supplicant identifies with the Word of God, even the original fiat of the Creator “Let there be light: and there was light.”[3]
Our Icon to the right is the Chakra/Crystal Chalice of the throat in its purified state. Please ckick on icon for redirection to the Summit Lighthouse. The links/out to TSL.ORG provides a full description on the Science of the Spoken Word. Prayers Meditations and Dynamic Decrees can be acquired through the Summit Lighthouse Store. |
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