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Archangel Michael Help Me ! Help Me! Help Me!
Archangel Michael Help Me ! Help Me! Help Me! Archangel Michael Help Me ! Help Me! Help Me! |
Archangel Michael’s service
Archangel Michael is a very special angel to us. He, with his legions of light, has dedicated himself for thousands and thousands of years to the safety, the security, the perfectionment of our souls and to our protection; caring for us, sponsoring us, rebuking us, teaching us the way of God’s holy will, giving us to understand that we each have a blueprint in life, that we have a divine plan. So tender and so present is the love of God for us, and he makes that known to us especially in a most personal way through his angels.
Archangel Michael is a very special angel to us. He, with his legions of light, has dedicated himself for thousands and thousands of years to the safety, the security, the perfectionment of our souls and to our protection; caring for us, sponsoring us, rebuking us, teaching us the way of God’s holy will, giving us to understand that we each have a blueprint in life, that we have a divine plan. So tender and so present is the love of God for us, and he makes that known to us especially in a most personal way through his angels.
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The angelic hosts comprise an evolution set apart from mankind by their flaming selfhood and their purity of devotion to the Godhead and to the Archangels and hierarchs under whose command they serve. Their function is to concentrate, accelerate, and amplify the attributes of God on behalf of his creation. They minister to the needs of mankind by magnetizing Light to their auras, intensifying feelings of hope, faith, and charity, honor, integrity, courage, truth and freedom, mercy and justice, and every aspect of the crystal clarity of the mind of God
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Hierarch of angelic hosts; the highest rank in the orders of angels. Each of the seven rays and the eighth ray has a presiding archangel who, with his divine complement, an archeia, embodies the God consciousness of the ray and directs the bands of angels serving in their command on that ray. |
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Archangel Michael's Traveling Protection
Lord*Michael before, Lord Michael behind, Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here! *Lord is used in this prayer as a term of honor, denoting that Archangel Michael carries the power and presence of God. |
Source: The Masters and their Retreats
When men departed from their original state of innocence and perfection, they lost their own innate protection. Archangel Michael tells us that when his angels enter the atmosphere of earth, when they descend into the dimensions of time and space, they "wear a crystalline helmet of light substance that is harder than the diamond."
He says, "We do this because we wish no penetration to ensue that would bring into our world the power of darkness and shadow or misqualified substance.
When men departed from their original state of innocence and perfection, they lost their own innate protection. Archangel Michael tells us that when his angels enter the atmosphere of earth, when they descend into the dimensions of time and space, they "wear a crystalline helmet of light substance that is harder than the diamond."
He says, "We do this because we wish no penetration to ensue that would bring into our world the power of darkness and shadow or misqualified substance.
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This teaching by Elizabeth Clare Prophet is extensive and cover a range of topics integrated with the teaching on Archangel Michael.
The video presentation is over 30 minutes in duration and can be accessed in parts through other platforms available via web engines search. Visit TSL.ORG for multiply source materials on this and other topics of the Ascended Masters |
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The Science of the Spoken Word
Decree 10.00 LORD MICHAEL |
for Science of the Spoken Word see - next tab in course outline.