Meet the Masters
One who, through Christ and the putting on of that Mind which was in Christ Jesus,[1] has mastered time and space and in the process gained the mastery of the self in the four lower bodies and the four quadrants of Matter, in the chakras and the balanced threefold flame. An ascended master has also transmuted at least 51 percent of his karma, fulfilled his divine plan, and taken the initiations of the Ruby Ray unto the ritual of the ascension—acceleration by the sacred fire into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM. An ascended master is one who inhabits the planes of Spirit, the kingdom of God (God’s consciousness), and may teach unascended souls in an etheric retreat or in the etheric cities on the etheric plane (the kingdom of heaven).
Visit also Ascended Masters Teachings Our slide show link/out to detailed teachings on seven masters Cosmic Beings below link/out to TSL Encyclopedia list of Cosmic Hierarchy. Search resources for all Masters, Cosmic Beings, Hierarchs and the Godhead. |
The chohans are selected from among the most qualified ascended beings who have arisen from earth’s schoolroom. They are assisted in their task by legions of angels, elementals and other ascended brethren who carry out the plan of God for the most complete expression of the seven rays that is possible for the mankind of earth. The chohans always obey Cosmic Law; yet they are given certain latitude, in keeping with their individual evolutions, capacities and endowments, to direct mankind in the most adroit manner, giving such loving assistance and spiritual direction as may be the requirement of the hour. TSL Encyclopedia
Meet the Masters with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Inner Perspectives - Audio and Written Material The Summit Lighthouse® |
Cosmic Beings: (1) An ascended master who has attained cosmic consciousness and ensouls the light/energy/consciousness of many worlds and systems of worlds across the galaxies to the Sun behind the Great Central Sun.
(2) A being of God who has never descended below the level of the Christ, never taken physical embodiment, made human karma or engaged in sin but has remained a part of the Cosmic Virgin and holds a cosmic balance for the return of souls from the vale (veil) of sorrows to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother. |