God as Principle and Person
This is the great gift of Jesus Christ—not that he was the Christ but that he was Jesus. He was the Christ before Abraham was, as the eternal Son of God. He, by free will, responded to the command of God and became the man Jesus. The Word was made flesh as he became a person, personifying a light that would be incomprehensible without the person. Elizabeth Clare Prophet Read More... POW43#39 |
God as Person - Personhood Personification Personality
Four Personalities of God
Extracted from Predict Your Future pages 35-40 Elizabeth Clare Prophet-Summit University Press®
The four personalities of God
God is universal love—omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. He manifests with and without form or correlation to finite patterns.
Those who worship him as the Impersonal Impersonality describe him as a powerful all-pervading Spirit proscribed by neither form nor dimension. They affirm that “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”[2]
Those who worship him as the Personal Personality see His face smiling down upon them, reflected in the pool of their being even as Adam “... heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.”[3]
Those who worship him as the Impersonal Personality recognize God as both the mist and the crystal. They see him first as the essence of Universal Spirit and then as Spirit merging with its individualization. They proclaim with Job, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee.”[4]
Those who see him as the Personal Impersonality wait upon the LORD in the supreme hope that “yet in my flesh shall I see God.”[5] They know that the body is the temple of the living God and that if he is indeed the God of the universe, the waters of his mind must ultimately become the Word made flesh. They know that even as the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, so the LORD is the fullness of the earth made manifest.
God is universal love—omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. He manifests with and without form or correlation to finite patterns.
Those who worship him as the Impersonal Impersonality describe him as a powerful all-pervading Spirit proscribed by neither form nor dimension. They affirm that “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”[2]
Those who worship him as the Personal Personality see His face smiling down upon them, reflected in the pool of their being even as Adam “... heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.”[3]
Those who worship him as the Impersonal Personality recognize God as both the mist and the crystal. They see him first as the essence of Universal Spirit and then as Spirit merging with its individualization. They proclaim with Job, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee.”[4]
Those who see him as the Personal Impersonality wait upon the LORD in the supreme hope that “yet in my flesh shall I see God.”[5] They know that the body is the temple of the living God and that if he is indeed the God of the universe, the waters of his mind must ultimately become the Word made flesh. They know that even as the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, so the LORD is the fullness of the earth made manifest.
KEY Ref Terms: Reincarnation (Re)embodiment El Morya Atlantis Four Lower Bodies City Foursquare Pyramid
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God, Goddess
The term God or Goddess denotes a cosmic being who has the attainment of God consciousness on one or more rays and in the service he or she renders. In a dictation from July 2, 1994, the Goddess of Liberty explained that these terms do not refer to “the gods and goddesses of mythology but ... the Gods and Goddesses who are the forerunners of your own God-reality, which you shall achieve beyond your ascension in this life.” |
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Suggestive Study Material from the Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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God as Principle - fundamental truths, a postulate, beliefs, fact.
El Morya
Principle is indeed the manifestation of God. And when you have no other reason to be good and when you would rather be bad, the reason that is left is Principle. For Principle itself you move forward, drink the unpleasant cup, perform your duty and hopefully add to it Love’s own grace. Read More... POW29#72 |
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... "Yet the Universal Christ is not understood until it becomes personified in one such as the Lord Jesus. To some the universal aspect of the Christ seems remote and impersonal because they find it easier to identify with the embodiment of a principle than with the principle itself–with a person than with a pattern; for this they can relate to their own personality. In reality, this lack of understanding, this limited perspective, prevents them from seeing the universal nature of the man Jesus–the manifestation of the Universal Christ. For he who perfectly embodies the universal and impersonal God becomes that which he is the embodiment of"... Read More POW 15 #7
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..."In the mercy of the great I AM THAT I AM, God sent forth his only begotten Son, that through him we might be saved and we might have eternal life. <7> This is because the soul could not find its way out of the Matter spheres. It could not find its way back to the Godhead without the principal Mediator, the living Son of God. Therefore, the Christ Self went forth as the very presence of the love of the Father to rescue souls gone astray from their original Reality.
Your Christ Self is your I AM Presence personified. Your Christ Self is the Great Mediator who talks with you while you are yet in the imperfect karmic state and who talks with God who is in the pure state of perfection. The Divine Mediator, therefore, is the go-between, the one who intercedes in behalf of the soul and leads you back to God."... Read More POW 27 #23
Your Christ Self is your I AM Presence personified. Your Christ Self is the Great Mediator who talks with you while you are yet in the imperfect karmic state and who talks with God who is in the pure state of perfection. The Divine Mediator, therefore, is the go-between, the one who intercedes in behalf of the soul and leads you back to God."... Read More POW 27 #23
KEY SEARCH TERMS: Only Begotten Mediator WORD Savior Christ Logos True LIGHT Christos Jesus
search also: Soul Image (real/synthetic)
search also: Soul Image (real/synthetic)
Example of God as Principle and Person
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The Principle of God as Father and Mother in the Persons of Alpha and Omega
To the evolutions of this system of worlds, Alpha and Omega represent the Father-Mother God in the heart of the Great Central Sun, on the first and seventh rays respectively. These twin flames are the highest known individualization of the masculine and feminine polarity of the Deity. Alpha thrust Omega return Father-Mother God the Hub Masters and their Retreats Vertical Divider
The Ascended Master Jesus Christ. The avatar of the Piscean age; the incarnation of the Word, the Universal Christ; the example of the Christ consciousness that was to have been outpictured by the children of God in the two-thousand-year dispensation of the Piscean age; one who realized the fullness of the Christ Self and was therefore called Jesus, the Christ. He came to reveal the individual Christ Self to all mankind and to show the works of the Father (the I AM Presence) that can be accomplished by his sons and daughters in and through the flame of the individual Christ Self.
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The Principle of God-Freedom in the Person of Saint Germain
The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.” Each two-thousand-year cycle comes under one of the seven rays. Jesus, as chohan of the sixth ray, held the office of hierarch of the age during the last 2000 years. On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain and Portia were crowned as directors for the coming cycle of the seventh ray. Freedom and justice are the yin and yang of the seventh ray of Aquarius, and together with mercy, they provide the foundation for all other attributes of God to be outpictured in this seventh dispensation. |
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The Principle of God-Liberty in the Person of the Goddess of Liberty
The Goddess of Liberty is spokesman for the Karmic Board and representative of the second ray on that Board. She is the hierarch of the Temple of the Sun, her etheric retreat over the island of Manhattan, New York. So great was her momentum of dedication to the Spirit of Liberty embodied in the threefold flame of the heart, that after her ascension, this lady master was called upon to bear the title of Goddess of Liberty, denoting her office in hierarchy as the authority for the cosmic consciousness of liberty to the earth. Her service today - review content #4 at the link above Goddess of Liberty Click on Icon for redirection to additional information on Liberty |
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Sarasvati is both Person and Principle. Sarasvati is in the heart of every one of you. Each one of the four principles, [the four seed syllables that the four Goddesses embody,] is a part of the threefold flame. For we are in the sphere of the white fire that is the source of the fount of the Trinity. ...Read More POW Vol.35 #39
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