Community - of the Holy Spirit
In every age the great spiritual teachers have established their communities – Gautama Buddha and his sangha, Jesus and his disciples, Saint Francis and his brothers. In this age, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet have established a spiritual community that has grown from humble beginnings in 1958 to a worldwide community. There their students gather to study and practice the teachings of the ascended masters and enjoy the fellowship of like-minded souls. People of all ages, walks of life, nationalities and backgrounds are welcomed.
Royal Teton Ranch
The Royal Teton Ranch is a beautiful 7,000-acre ranch bordering the Yellowstone River, located just north of Yellowstone National Park in the State of Montana. This spiritual community is the international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant and the site of the quarterly conferences. Summit University is also held here.
In the tradition of the world’s religions, seekers of truth come to the Ranch to learn about the teachings of the ascended masters and to retreat, meditate, commune with nature or participate in community life. People of all ages—professionals, families, the retired and the young—call this “Inner Retreat” their spiritual home. To them it is sacred ground, revered as a place of pilgrimage. The Royal Teton Ranch is approximately 90 miles north of the Grand Teton (the mountain in which the physical/etheric Royal Teton Retreat is located).
The ascended masters have often spoken about this sacred place. The Great Divine Director has said:
This very land itself must be protected and prepared, for it has a very ancient, ancient spiritual focus, beloved. It is indeed a cradle. But I would tell you that the feet of archangels were placed upon that land long, long ago in its formation, making etheric tracks in akasha and sealing that place as a magnet for the drawing of pilgrims. It is truly the shrine of this international movement. It is truly the point of convergence of suns.
Let it become a more permanent place. Let the facilities be there, for you will see that we will bring members of the nations and the root races. Understand its link to the Grand Teton and to the very heart of the earth. It is indeed a place prepared for twin flames and the cosmic cross of white fire and solar lights and the aurora borealis and the descent of mighty souls from above, in those twinkling causal bodies, to waiting parents below.[1]
The Royal Teton Ranch is a beautiful 7,000-acre ranch bordering the Yellowstone River, located just north of Yellowstone National Park in the State of Montana. This spiritual community is the international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant and the site of the quarterly conferences. Summit University is also held here.
In the tradition of the world’s religions, seekers of truth come to the Ranch to learn about the teachings of the ascended masters and to retreat, meditate, commune with nature or participate in community life. People of all ages—professionals, families, the retired and the young—call this “Inner Retreat” their spiritual home. To them it is sacred ground, revered as a place of pilgrimage. The Royal Teton Ranch is approximately 90 miles north of the Grand Teton (the mountain in which the physical/etheric Royal Teton Retreat is located).
The ascended masters have often spoken about this sacred place. The Great Divine Director has said:
This very land itself must be protected and prepared, for it has a very ancient, ancient spiritual focus, beloved. It is indeed a cradle. But I would tell you that the feet of archangels were placed upon that land long, long ago in its formation, making etheric tracks in akasha and sealing that place as a magnet for the drawing of pilgrims. It is truly the shrine of this international movement. It is truly the point of convergence of suns.
Let it become a more permanent place. Let the facilities be there, for you will see that we will bring members of the nations and the root races. Understand its link to the Grand Teton and to the very heart of the earth. It is indeed a place prepared for twin flames and the cosmic cross of white fire and solar lights and the aurora borealis and the descent of mighty souls from above, in those twinkling causal bodies, to waiting parents below.[1]
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Community of the Holy Spirit
(1) The communion of souls serving the Holy Spirit who are one in love, in truth, in life, working together for the benefit of mankind and the establishment of the golden age. (2) An actual physical community which such souls establish to further the aims of the Great White Brotherhood and to fulfill individually their sacred labor; e.g., the Essene community in Qumran. Source: TSL Encyclopedia |
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These Summit Lighthouse communities are havens of light in the cities around the world and at the Inner Retreat in Montana.
We invite you to visit a community near you or come to the Inner Retreat for one of our quarterly retreats and annual Summit University seminar. |
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TSL Encyclopedia |
Excerpt: Elizabeth Clare Prophet, published in Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 41 No. 32, August 9, 1998
...Confucius’ Formula Let us enter this process by holding in our hearts and souls the following “thoughtform.” This formula comes from the teaching of a very special Master, Lord Confucius. Confucius gave us this basic formula for family and community building twenty-five hundred years ago. It is taken from the first chapter of the Great Learning, one of the four principal books of Confucian teaching. 1 Here is the formula in Confucius’ words. It is a formula for enlightenment, for family and for the victory of each one of us. So as you go about your daily lives, please hold this thoughtform in your hearts. The ancients who wanted to manifest enlightened virtue in their empire first healed and brought order to their states. Wanting to heal and bring order to their states, they first established equanimity in their families and made them whole. Wanting to establish equanimity in their families and make them whole, they first cultivated themselves. Wanting to cultivate themselves, they first got themselves in line and in tune with their hearts. Wanting to be in line and in tune with their hearts, they first became honest with themselves and purified their motives. Wanting to be honest with themselves and purify their motives, they first assimilated wisdom and put it into practice. They assimilated wisdom and put it into practice by investigating and reflecting upon all phenomena and culling out what was true. 2 Confucius—The Champion of Families The Ascended Master Confucius has a profound understanding of family as the vital unit for building community and a new society in the Aquarian age. He is the hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat, which is congruent with the Grand Teton mountain in the Teton Range near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This is the key retreat of illumination of the Great White Brotherhood in North America. In this retreat, Confucius shows us how to take etheric patterns and use them in tangible ways to improve our everyday lives. These patterns are like blueprints and they contain the keys to our self-reliance in God, to the ideals of the sacred family and to God-government. We tie into the etheric patterns and precipitate into the etheric ideals into the physical through creations of beauty, harmony and order. This is why the flame of precipitation-- Chinese green in color and tinged with gold--is enshrined at Confucius’ Royal Teton Retreat. Confucius’ presence and the presence of his Causal Body in the United.. - |