The Karmic Board is a body of eight ascended masters who are assigned the responsibility to dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. The Lords of Karma are divine intercessors who serve under the twenty-four elders as mediators between a people and their karma.
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Gods and Goddesses - God, Goddess - TSL Encyclopedia ( of Liberty
Great Divine Director Portia Goddess of Justice and Opportunity Lady Master Nada Pallas Athena Goddess of Truth Kuan Yin Goddess of Mercy Elohim Cyclopea the All Seeing Eye of God Virochana Dhyani Buddha Vertical Divider
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Astrology—done well—is a very accurate means of plotting the cycles of returning karma according to the cycles of the planets. Click on Icon for TSL - Astrology is the Handwriting of Karma in the Skies
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Have you ever wondered…
Why are some people born with handicaps and others are geniuses? Why do I seem to comfortably like or uncomfortably dislike certain people? What causes me to find myself in the same old unpleasant situations over and over again? Did I end up with a family I have because somebody in Cosmos thought that would be funny? Well, you’re not alone. Karma – When Your Past Catches Up to You |
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Over 75 spiritual books by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet on angels, violet flame, ascended masters and more. Available worldwide in 33 languages.
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