COSMIC ENERGY-SPIRALS OF GOD'S consciousness, cascading from the Great Central Sun over the crystal cord, pass through the individualized I AM Presence and the Christ Self, and spring up as a threefold flame fountain within the heart chalice, whence they flow to myriad pools of Light in the being of man. These pools, or radiating centers, called "chakras," are the focus for the distribution of the cosmic energy-spirals to the four lower bodies of man.
We shall also refer to the chakras as crystal chalices, for although they have a whirling action (chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel") they function as receptacles for the crystal waters of the River of Life that flow from God to man and from man to God... The Path to Immortality
Climb the Highest Mountain Series
We shall also refer to the chakras as crystal chalices, for although they have a whirling action (chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel") they function as receptacles for the crystal waters of the River of Life that flow from God to man and from man to God... The Path to Immortality
Climb the Highest Mountain Series
Elizabeth Clare Prophet says: “This chart of the chakra man [above] shows the color (frequency) of the light which each of the chakras should be emitting when it is purified and balanced in the plus and minus factors, the yang and the yin of the whirling T’ai Chi.”
These spiritual centers are like storehouses of light, and they are supposed to shine like jewels. In fact, when functioning properly, each chakra radiates and blazes with light, just like a gemstone with a different number of facets. These “facets”, when referring to chakras, are called petals. Each chakra has a different number of petals. Listen above to the description of the crystal chalices/chakras.
Below are Profound teachings from the Ascended Master on the Violet Flame, karma and the Soul, explained by Elizabeth Clare Prophet |